Basic home wiring

                        Basic Engineering

Intro: From this blog we can learn about some electrical engineering stuffs in the easy manner


                                      House wiring is deals with the distribution system with the domestic permises.The wiring requirments may vary among the different consumers.House wiring is generally is generally done for electrical consumption of electrical energy at 230 V, 1-phase or at 400V,3- phase.

                         The type of wiring is adopted is dependent on various factors, like durability,safety,appearance,cost and consumer's budget. there are different types of wiring are exist

*CLEAT WIRING: In this system, the V.I.R
conductors are supported in porcelain cleats(vulcanised India rubber wire in porcelain cleats)


It is tought rubber sheathed wiring . the  T.R.S cables are available in single,twin or three cores with circular or oval shape. the cable is quite flexible and has an insulation which resist rough usage,moister,climate variations,acids and alkalies but is slightly affected by lubricating oils. so T.R.S cables may be run on the surface of the walls or burried in plaster


In this the system of wiring the V.I.R conductors are run in metallic tubes called conduits .it is the best system of wiring which porvides mechanical protection safety against fire and shock if bonding and earthing are well done


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